Colorful throw pillows will make an uncomfortable chair inviting and relaxing for reading on a summer afternoon
You may have just spent last Saturday afternoon at an outdoor living show and chances are while wondering around the trade show exhibits you saw many ways you could improve your outdoor living space. You probably saw beautiful new furniture and accessories that would make your patio more comfortable and inviting to friends and family. There are many things you can do to improve your patio without totally redecorating and breaking the bank; you can add a colorful piece of art or an outdoor rug, for example.
If your patio gets sun for a good portion of the day, a colorful patio umbrella may be a nice addition. You can use an umbrella in conjunction with a patio dining set to provide shade for outdoor dining, or you can use a freestanding umbrella to shade a small conversation area or a kid’s play area. Umbrellas are not only useful for shade, but are a way of adding bold color to your outdoor décor.
There are other things you can do to spruce up your outdoor area; colorful throw pillows will make an uncomfortable chair inviting and relaxing for reading on a summer afternoon. An outdoor rug will make the patio more comfortable for bare feet and add a touch of home to the area. An outdoor rug is also an excellent way to introduce color to your outdoor living area. Lighting is another way to give your outdoor room some additional character; even something as simple as stringing some outdoor holiday lights on the deck or patio rail. Candles are another way to create a peaceful, cozy seating area; there are candles available that have the added bonus of repelling insects as well.
A small water feature will add ambience and can be affordable if you shop around. The soothing sound of water is very calming and can create a place you look forward to after a long day at work. If you plan on using your outdoor area throughout the year, a fireplace or fire pit may be something you may want to consider. These can be expensive additions, but it will allow you to enjoy your outdoor area in the colder months. There are many things you can do to improve your existing patio or deck; just think of all the things you’ve seen and incorporate some of your favorites into your décor.