The best way to remove black mold in the bathroom will be routine cleaning of the air with bleach water or something similar.
The existence of mold in the home has always been a concern for many people. The emergence of mold is usually a minor issue at first, but over time it can develop into a serious structural and health hazard if it is left unattended to. There is no possible way to completely rid a home of mold, due to the invisible nature of mold spores. However, there are a few ways to cut down on its growth after removing any current mold. Among the most common places for black mold to be found is in the bathroom.
Black mold is a classic example of the type of mold that can be found in a bathroom. Mold requires a warm, humid, location to grow. The typical bathroom is perfect for this organism. Generally, the most common locations in the bathroom will be on the caulk between tiles, on the floor in an out of the way portion of the bathroom, the ceiling, and the shower curtains.
Mold grows best in a warm humid location. While the black mold on caulk or shower curtains is easy enough to see, the real health hazard is the floating spores that are found in the air. These spores are how the mold reproduces. An individual with an allergy to such spores will fare badly in such an environment. The bathroom is ideal because it will generally remain warm and humid due to bathing, showers, and constant usage. Any ambient moisture is likely to increase mold growth in the home.
The best way to remove black mold in the bathroom will be routine cleaning of the air with bleach water or something similar. The mold will never be completely eradicated due to its free floating nature, and the heavy foot traffic to the area. However, constant preventative maintenance is useful. Clean the showers, curtains, tub, and walls routinely. If this organism has already started to grow, such as black mold on shower curtains, then a thoroughly cleaning is in order. It may be best to purchase a portable respirator or mask to wear while removing mold. It is not enough to kill the mold, it must also be removed. If scrubbing wall and floor tiles does not work, a toothbrush or similar item might be necessary in order to remove all of the growing mold.
Overall, black mold is not something to panic over. If it is a small infestation then handle it via constant vigilance and cleaning. If the growth is extensive then consider hiring professional help.