White Tufted Sofa

A white tufted sofa already has a lot of details to it. However, every once in a while, you might just want to change up the look.

This is important when you have a very neutral and lasting piece just because it can be in your room for so long. This is an opportunity to really give mini makeovers depending on the season or just as your style changes to something like black and white decor.

The great thing about white tufted couches are that usually these pieces are very structured. This can be feeling a little bit cold. You could just try draping beautiful throw blankets over the arms. This could be a fun color like lime green or a more elegant tapestry if you’re going for a Victorian kind of look. These are one of the least expensive kinds of home decorative accessories out there and also really functional. It also makes a great housewarming gift just because it’s something that everyone can use in a room and it comes in a lot of different materials that are fun to cuddle up with.

Another option is to go for a more permanent solution. If it has a wood tone on the arm or on the back or even the legs then you could try paint. Of course you could stick with a classic black or brown to mimic wood. At the same time, you can also venture into areas like hot pink if you really wanted a funky kind of piece that is still going to be pretty elegant looking just because of that basic white color palette. This is a chance to bring in subtle color to really make an impact. Just make sure when you start this project that you are okay with never seeing the natural wood again. Often with this kind of Victorian style furniture it does have a lot of carving to it so removing the paint can be a difficult and time extensive process.