The white leather armchair is perhaps the most elegant antique leather armchair there is.
If you work all day in an office whether it is at home or elsewhere you are of course going to want to be comfortable. If you are comfortable then you are able to work better, as you can work more efficiently because you are not distracted by discomfort and you are able to relax. There are a lot of modern leather armchairs out there to choose from, if you are more interested in older styles then there are a lot of antique leather armchairs as well.
The white leather armchair is perhaps the most elegant antique leather armchair there is. White leather is well known for it comfort and softness. If you combine this type of leather with recliner and swivel functions then it has the potential to be a remarkable chair. This is not the only antique leather chair that you can buy of course. There are Club chairs which became popular in the 1700s, soon after that tub chairs came along too, these give us the feeling of being enveloped by leather.
Leather arm chairs and antique chairs are quite widely available. If you are looking to buy a newer piece then any furniture or department store will have a decent selection which you can choose from. You will find some armchairs for two or three hundred dollars, or you could pay over $1,000 for an Italian leather chair. The price you pay will depend on the features that you want.
When it comes to buying leather you should be aware of the different grades of leather that are out there. Some types of leather appear to be very expensive, but generally they last longer than the cheaper grades. Buying any grade of leather is a good choice though as it will last longer than a fabric will.