Handicap showers also come in complete functional parts such as the shower stalls, shower heads, shower enclosures, and shower pans.
One of the best parts of installing handicap showers, handicap bathtubs, and other fixtures for individuals with physical disability is the everyday convenience that they deserve to have in the first place. And depending on the kind and level of restrictions they experience, the bathroom layout should address the specific needs of each individual with decreased mobility.
Just like ordinary shower units, handicap showers also come in complete functional parts such as the shower stalls, shower heads, shower enclosures, and shower pans. The main difference, however, lies on the larger dimensions of the entire shower area, the height of the knobs and the shower heads, and the presence of a shower seat that can either be removable or permanent.
Ordinary bathtubs with standard heights simply won’t work for most individuals with physical disabilities. Besides the extra effort needed to raise the legs to gain access to the bathtub, the particular individual may possibly face a greater challenge in lying in the tub, let alone trying to stand up once the bathing routine is done. Specialized fixtures, on the other hand, are available such as the walk-in bathtub with doors that allow easier access for the handicap. Usually, such bathtub is also paired with handicap showers.
To allow the handicap experience a greater sense of control, other fixtures or components may prove to be equally important as well. For example, waterproof wheelchairs provide a better option for the individual when it comes to gaining access to the shower unit. And to allow for easier control, the knobs should be at the most accessible height while on a sitting position. Hand-held shower nozzles are also very useful so the individual can point the shower head at any direction.
While handicap showers, handicap bathtubs, and other specialized fixtures can be purchased in home improvement stores, online stores provide the utmost convenience because you won’t have to go through the hassles of braving the crowds at the store. With online stores, you can have these fixtures delivered right to your home.