A carpet rake may also be utilized to help loosen deep down dirt and increase the effectiveness of your vacuuming.
The carpeting in your home is a very expensive investment. It should be taken care of properly in order to lengthen its life and keep it looking great. There are a few basic things you can do which can help maintain your carpet for many years. By simply not wearing shoes in the house, vacuuming regularly, and having the carpets professionally cleaned you can keep your carpet looking as good as the day it was installed.
Wearing your shoes inside the house is one of the worst things you can do to your carpet. This tracks soil and other foreign matter into the house and into the carpet fibers. This causes carpet to soil quickly and also can be damaging. Dirt particles in carpet fibers act as an abrasive which scratches the carpet fibers and can damage them beyond repair. This can cause traffic lanes to look dirty even when they have been cleaned. Always take your shoes off at the front door and wear socks in the home.
A regular vacuuming routine will also help to greatly increase the life of your carpet. Any particles which have been either tracked in or settled from the air should be vacuumed up immediately. Try to vacuum at least 2 to 3 times a week to help remove this matter. Always vacuum in two different directions so that the beater bar may come in contact with all sides of the carpet fibers. A carpet rake may also be utilized to help loosen deep down dirt and increase the effectiveness of your vacuuming.
No matter how clean your carpet looks it should always be professionally cleaned at least once a year. No amount of vacuuming will remove everything from the carpet. It takes professional equipment to thoroughly deliver a deep down clean. Ask friends and family for recommendations for a carpet cleaner. Beware of cheap carpet cleaning which may be advertised in Yellow Pages and newspapers. If the prices seem too good to be true they probably are. The price difference between a cheap cleaner and a quality one is quite negligible when it comes to possibly adding several years to the life of your carpet.