Mostly the large pillows for general purpose use will cost less as these are generally simple and made of tough hard leather for rough use
If you plan to use leather pillow covers for your living room, bed room or for general use like a floor pillow, their are two options to arrange for the pillow cover. Either you can go to market and buy leather pillow cover as per your specific needs. You can either get a square pillow which is generally used for sofas in living room. Generally rectangular pillows are used as a floor pillow or for outdoor use and if you are planning to buy a pillow for bed rooms, then you should go for large pillows – generally made specifically for use in bedrooms.
Above were the type of leather pillows that you can use for a specific purpose. Now if you plan to buy these leather pillows from market generally it will cost you around 15$ per piece up to maximum price depending on your spending power. These pillows are either hand crafted (which costs more) or are made by leather sewing machines in the factories. Also, the price of pillow cover depends on the quality of the leather, the pattern and design on the cover and the shape and size of the leather pillow cover. You will find the square pillow cover (used in living room) more costly then others because these are generally made of high quality leather and complex/good patterns. And mostly the large pillows for general purpose use will cost less as these are generally simple and made of tough hard leather for rough use.
In case you didn’t find any good pattern or color ass per your need then you can go for second option i.e. either sew it yourself (if you have leather sewing machine) or get it custom made fro the store (generally most stores offer custom stitching). If you have little bit experience on sewing clothes or using sewing machine then sewing the pillow yourself is not a big deal.