With a keen eye towards leveraging some high quality yet affordable items you can make the most out of your money
Despite the best of intentions, sometimes all of us need a little bit of help when comes to keeping our homes organized. With the exception of the lucky few who are able to either able to pay someone to do the work or, far more amazing still, get their kids to put up their toys and do their share of chores, the rest of us can get a nice boost by wisely choosing the proper storage products to do the job for us!
Is it really that simple to get and keep a bedroom organized?
Yes and no. The truth is that – much like buying home gym equipment – you can buy all the storage products in the world but they won’t do anything unless you spend an extra second to put your belongings back into the storage unit. That being said, that really is all it takes and so let’s review 3 handy bedroom storage products. Did I mention all of these cost less than $100? No – well, good news, because they do! And while it’s tempting to feature some of the more fantastic higher priced storage products, we’ll save that for another article, or maybe even another year when the economy picks back up. For now, let’s take a look at the best frugal storage options around for the home.
Rubbermaid Storage
Rubbermaid is the King – or should I say Queen? – of home storage products, and it goes miles beyond their food storage containers. They make a fabulous canvas based stand alone closet. Our recommendation centers around the Blue Rubbermaid Breathable Wardrobe Storage closet available at Target or online vendors such as an Amazon. Cost? Typically less than $50, and sometimes as cheap as $30. In other words, a great bargain!
Storage Cubes
While you’re at Target, head over to the home section and take a look at the variety of storage cubes available. Thes square storage “boxes” are cute and can be stacked atop one another, making for endless storage that is scalable as needed! Storage cubes are super cheap too. Depending on the style, materials, and quality, expect to spend anywhere from $3 to $12 per cube.
Bedroom Armoire
Here’s where it gets tricky trying to keep it under $100 but it can be done. Much like Rubbermaid’s wardrobe products mentioned above, there are some great wood based armoires out there availabe for under $100. Unfortunately this doesn’t include something like Prepac bedroom wardrobe armoire but it does include something your Mother probably taught you: buy used at a garage sale. Here you can absolutely find a bedroom armoire for under $100, as most people at this point are simply trying to unload something they no longer need or simply can’t keep because they’re moving or don’t have the space. Help them out!
Bedroom storage doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. With a keen eye towards leveraging some high quality yet affordable storage products from Rubbermaid, Target, and your local garage sale, you can save a bundle and at the same time, keep your home – and your bedroom – organized and straight.