This remarkable solution contain non-toxic elements that dissolve stains, greases and dirt efficiently without the need of too much brushing.
A well-tiled floor can make your home look amazingly gorgeous. It is so easy to choose the style and color of the tiles to match your home’s overall theme. Even its initial set up is not a bit of an hassle for you can always hire somebody to do the job for you. However, the true challenge comes after it has been installed. Keeping them look good as new seems to be impossible considering the fact that its quality inevitably wears off after years and years of consistent exposure to hazardous conditions. Nonetheless, you can always have the option to minimize its damage by keeping it clean and well-managed. Discover the few secrets to properly maintain your tiles’ brand new look while keeping your home looking clean and fresh throughout the years.
An effective alternative to clean tile grout is with the use of oxygen bleach. This remarkable solution contain non-toxic elements that dissolve stains, greases and dirt efficiently without the need of too much brushing. So you can always clean your home without risking your family’s health as well as causing damage to the environment.
A steam mop is also a good investment if you want to spend less time cleaning your tile floors. Using this heated pad regularly prevents the formation of hard to remove stains and dirt as it intensively clean the tiles and grout. This device may come a bit pricey, but it will surely save you more time and effort.
Baking soda is also a practical alternative to keep your tiles free from debris. All you need to do is combine equal amount of salt, water or vinegar and baking soda to create a paste-like mixture and apply it directly into the grout. Scrub and rinse the grout as you clean and you’re good to go.
Bleaching solutions is also one of the best grout cleaners that has been proven effective and convenient. Just spray ample amount of the solution unto uncolored grout and let it set for a moment before brushing. This will penetrate deeply into the grout making the stains quicker to remove.
However, nothing beats regular cleaning and maintenance for this will not only avoid the development of stains and dirt that can ruin the appearance of your tiles, but it will save you from a lot of hassles and inconvenience as well.