Kitchen Wall Decor

Your kitchen is where you cook, eat, and socialize with friends and family. Having a welcoming, clean and organized kitchen are important features. Those kitchen utensils and other instruments can be used as neat wall decorations and art pieces in the kitchen space. You can use these ideas to both decorate and organize your kitchen at the same time.

The color you choose to paint your walls is an important step in the decorating of your kitchen space. It serves as the backdrop or canvas. If you choose a classic color, like white, know that it will show more splatter and splashes than some other neutral color choices. The kitchen space does well with a light, cool colored palette against wood cabinets. If you wish to give your lighting a more reflective ability, then a light-colored wall will help with this, as well. Trendy color choices bring a different life to kitchens with solid color or metal fixtures. Black has been rumored to be an appetite-suppressing color, so keep this in mind when choosing those colors.

Freeing up kitchen cabinet storage space is always a request. One way to go about this is to hang your pans and other kitchen cooking utensils on specially made kitchen wall racks. This gives them a storage place as well as decoration for your kitchen.

Backsplash choices for tile, metal and glass can be used to create a stylish look for your kitchen and counter areas. You can hang some framed pictures or photos as a nice touch on walls away from the sink area. You an enlarge smaller prints to become large, stretched canvases.

Hanging decorative wall plate racks is a classic tradition. By creatively grouping these items on your walls, you create a nice kitchen wall art effect.  You might opt for a more modern approach to your kitchen wall art; wall lettering. These are typically vinyl materials that can be applied to the wall and easily removed. These can be images, as well. Images and letters or words can be arranged however you wish to create the decor you are seeking.

You will find that if you decorate your kitchen in a simple way, the elegance of your design will take care of itself. Making sure to use a few decorative pieces in your kitchen will ensure that the space is nice looking and, more importantly, efficiently functional. Function and form are a fine balance in the kitchen space. Marrying both the style and function of your kitchen wall decor is the key.