Open topped shower enclosures are definitely vulnerable to causing bathroom mirrors and really, any smooth surface in the general vicinity to fog up and become cloudy.
For most people, naturally when they hear the words “budget shower cubicles”, they think of cheaply made and cheaply sold cubicles that are constructed with the most cost efficient materials possible. This is a good definition for this kind of bathroom fixture, but most people don’t really take this sort of thing to its logical conclusion. After all, you can, for no extra charge, acquire a cheap enclosure of your very own. All you really need is enough patience and skill with handiwork tasks to accomplish this grand endeavor.
The first thing to decide is what the walls will be made of. Remember, all showers are of course high moisture environments, what with the water coming out of the spout and the general humidity in the area. Open topped shower enclosures are definitely vulnerable to causing bathroom mirrors and really, any smooth surface in the general vicinity to fog up and become cloudy. This means that your chosen material cannot be anything too vulnerable to moisture, such as most types of wood, metals, and certain lower quality plastics. Things such as those will be vulnerable to, in order, fungi and swelling, rust, and general corrosion.
The second is the choice between a door and a curtain. A door requires hinges that are not vulnerable to corrosion just like the walls, unless you are aiming for a sliding door configuration. A curtain on the other hand will require some water resistant material for the curtain (plastics are your best bet) and a curtain rod that is well proofed against rust. The idea is to prevent further moisture from escaping the confines of your bath area, especially if you can do something about it.
There are many other things that you can engage to further flesh out your shower enclosure. For one thing, there is the type of drain that you will be incorporating. Décor is also important, and fully in your control. The showerhead itself will be an interesting part of the selection process. And all of this for possibly quite a bit less than a factory-purchased shower.